Students aims to make a proof of concept for Emergency Care outside the urban core with drones

How can drones enhance our transport methods? What is the economic viability of using drones compared to current transport modes? Can we create predetermined, approved flight routes for the drones? That’s the questions the students are facing in the Ingenious Course. The course connects students with companies and the public sector in the region – everything in an international environment signified by creativity and entrepreneurship.

AERO EDIH together with Region Östergötland have given the students the challenge to explore the possibility of using drones for medical transports, the project is called SkyCare. The five students come from the programs Industrial Engineering and management, Cognitive Science Program and Media Design at Linköping University.

The project aims to make a proof of concept for Emergency care outside the urban core with drones. Region Östergötland has identified a need to streamline and expedite transport between Primary Care units, vaccination clinics, and other health and medical services. The focus is on safely and swiftly transporting items such as blood samples, blood bags, vaccines, and sampling kits.

To get the overall picture they have held interviews with people who work in the field. Right now they are investigating various possibilities for care, such as how we can supply dressing materials, defibrillators, blood samples etc. They have during the investigation work looked at how drones have been used in the past in crisis situations – both in Sweden and aboard, and see which opportunities exist and what needs the important actors such as SOS Alarm see.

Being a part of this project, where we are exploring the use of drones outside the city center to facilitate emergency situations in healthcare is really exciting. We look forward to contributing to something useful and finding effective ways to quickly reach and help those who need urgent help. It’s an exciting journey towards improving and making emergency healthcare more accessible for everyone! “Says one of the students, Lisa Nordling

The students are working towards finding a solution that can be implemented in municipalities systems that are helpful and at the same time profitable to implement. They are also investigating the implementation of cameras to be able to help various emergency care units with the monitoring of accident scenes or emergency solutions.

The first pitch event took place the November 16 where the students pitch ideas and solutions to the particular submitted challenge. The 14th of December the Graduation event takes place where they will pitch their definitive solution for a bigger audience.


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